Many elements that execute certain functions are included in the complete set of military equipment. An obligatory attribute a tactical helmet, by means of that it is possible to provide the reliable protecting of head of warrior ВСУ from mechanical traumas, defeat bullets or fragments, is considered. As supplying with such helmets many companies engage in, Ukrainian military, it is needed responsibly to walk up to the choice of necessary model. To become familiar with the principal items of accouterments/pl, look to the catalog of our company, Arsenal Patriot.
Types of soldiery helmets
There are a few basic varieties of tactical helmets that make foreign companies. If to compare them to the soviet standards, then it is possible to distinguish small weight, comfort and crashworthiness. Some types of helmets for ВСУ are complemented by useful details and devices (devices of night vision, fastening, lanterns and other).
Classic helmet of PASGT
The first prototypes began to use American soldiery 40 about back. A model was modernized gradually. Now for making of helmets of PASGT apply combination from organotextolite, and also kevlar. As materials enter in composition layer-by-layer, the level of defence of heads is high enough.
Among the distinctive features of tactical helmets of PASGT for soldiery ВСУ it is possible to mark a few:
- weight is varied in a range 1,4-1,9 kg;
- a helmet is complemented by fastening by means of that fixing of device of night vision is simplified;
- a helmet is complemented by a cover from the special fabric.
Such a helmet is applied for providing and for protecting of heads from indirect shots. It is additionally necessary to prepare an accoutrement/pl. To choose necessary positions, it will be more simply, if to look over on a web-site accessible variants.
Modernized helmet of ACH MICH
ACH MICH is the improved model of PASGT. For providing of comfort of carrying producers a bit decreased a depth, and the fastening system was modernized. Position of helmet can be easily enough and simply corrected now. A few removable crushproof pillows enter in the complement of helmet. For their fixing липучки is used.
For making of this type of tactical helmet producers use multi-layered warrior. The quantity of layers is determined taking into account that, a helmet will be used in what terms. Most models differ in the third level of defence, due to that indirect shots will not inflict harm. It is additionally necessary to choose and waistcoat-cover of "Tornado", that possesses necessary descriptions.
If necessary a tactical helmet soldiery can combine with a certain навесным equipment or with tactical headsets.
FAST - we send for hedge-hoppers
This modern technology was presented recently by the American producers. A distinguishing feature of FAST is a presence of ear cuts and higher indexes of defence. It is needed in order that it was simpler to take advantage of headset or tactical headsets. Additionally a helmet is equipped by fastening for different attributes it is impossible to treat without that.
To the pluses of helmets of FAST it is possible to take:
- weight FAST is small (does not exceed 1,65 kg);
- the presence of the special suspended system allows to correct position. It allows to take into account the anatomic features of head every military;
- from within a helmet is complemented by protective pillows negative influence of vibration and mechanical shots goes down by means of that.
To choose a tactical helmet, it is necessary to take into account terms in that he will be used.
How to choose the size of military helmet?
That in the chosen helmet it was possible to execute various tasks, constantly not remedying him, it is necessary correctly to determine his size. In order that to do it, it is necessary to prepare roulette or tailor meter. By means of the prepared accessories it is needed carefully to measure the circumference of head. After it it is necessary to take advantage of the standardized table. In her basic sizes are prescribed:
- S (a circumference does not exceed a 54 cm);
- M (from 50 to 56 cm);
- L (from 54 to 60 cm);
- XL (more than 60 cm).
Before to do a choice in behalf on determined size, it is needed to take into account a few features, in fact companies-producers use different size nets. Therefore everything is necessary to be checked up.
How to understand that helmet is military neat correctly?
That estimating, as far as a helmet is correctly neat, is needed to pay attention to a few basic indexes:
- It is first needed to estimate landing. It is not needed to choose helmets with the beyond measure subzero landing, as they will recover a review. In addition, it will be difficult to use tactical glasses. If landing will be very high, it provokes the decline of level of defence.
- To estimate a comfort, it is needed to put on a helmet and adjust all fastening. If it will be uncomfortably to the man, then it is necessary to choose other model or other size.
Specialists mark that the cutting edge of tactical helmet must be situated approximately on a 10-12 mm higher than line of eyebrows.
That is yet important?
Principal reason of acquisition of tactical helmet is providing of acceptable level of defence. NIJ IIIA is the highest level. Modern ballistic helmets correspond this level.
Helmets that correspond to the level of NIJ IIIA maintain a shot from a pistol. With their help it is possible to provide protecting of head from fragments, from various garbage.
Studies by means of that it was succeeded to estimate the degree of defence of tactical helmets were recently undertaken. If a model is chosen with defence of NIJ IIIA, then she provides protecting from the fragments of grenade.
To do a choice in behalf on a certain tactical helmet, it is necessary to take into account a requirement in the use of additional accessories and devices. It is no less important, that every military bank we send.
Reviewed by Ulyana Radostina